Sunday, January 6, 2013

Learning Yourself

I have not blogged in a really long time just due to being busy and being involved with the organizations I am apart of. A lot of it has to deal with the greatest robber of all time...PROCRASTINATION!!! I said to myself this year that instead of making resolutions I will just live life in the moment and not let my laziness, self doubt or procrastination get in the way. Blogging would be one of the things I get back in to. I know at 11:49pm I should be in bed but I needed to share my experience today. I know that if I don't do it now chances are I never will.

My sister Niccole who has a huge heart usually gets the title of "Mean Girl" because she is the sterner of the two of us. We were both raised with great values and were raised in the church but neither one of stand for MESS. Just to explain the difference between us, if someone were to make a tasteless comment I might side eye them  (-_-) and ignore but my sister's reaction is to "mean mug" and possibly confront them. Now if she decides to not say anything to the person, her face and silence will read "I'm am so over you!" My sister and I are night and day at times and do posses different talents and qualities but there is one quality I thought that I had that she needed more of. This is PATIENCE. Honestly I always thought that I had more of this than most people.

A few months ago before church a older sister approached us and asked us to sign up to volunteer with the children's ministry. My sister immediately said yes and took an application and I on the other hand said "I'm sorry ma'am but I am really not good with children". She looked at me and said "that is quite alright, God will use you anyway! I will see you out front after church." and handed me a form to fill out. I didn't want to be rude so I took the form and figured church is so packed I might not run into her on the way out.  My sister on the other hand looked very excited and was happy to work with the kids. After the sermon touched me I figured alright no harm in filling out the form chances are they wont call me. Needless to say two weeks ago, one of minister's found us in church and told us our first Sunday to teach would be today.

This morning when I woke up all I could say was OOOOOHHH the DEVIL was working on me. I wanted to call and cancel and sleep in. I know it sounds horrible but my body did not want to move. Finally I fought through that and got ready but then I complained about the drive, traffic and the fact that everyone else was running late when were on time! Now anyone that knows me can attest that I am not the most punctual individual so for me to be mad at someone else being late is hilarious. So finally once we were settled in our class room and the children had arrived we were looking at 25 children between the ages of four and five. Some were cute, curious, quiet, sweet, and eager while others were loud, crying, screaming, and just BAD! I wore a smile on my face while thinking to myself "Lord why oh why did I do this I can not handle this!". As the day progressed I had a good time with the children but it was rough. God bless those who teach the world's children!!!

I realized at the end of today that while watching my sister that maybe she had more patience than I and maybe while I still did posses that quality, I gave myself too much credit. I also learned that in order for God to use me I had to humble myself and check my attitude at the door. I will say that I was exhausted at the end of four hours running behind these children but I felt fulfilled because no matter how much I wanted to give up I was obedient. You never know how God is going to use!

OK I am going to bed. Self reflection (check) and my first blog of the year (check)!!!!
Good Bye PROCRASTINATION...Hello sleepy and cranky at work tomorrow :-)